Saturday, January 18, 2014

Asian Persuasion [WIP]

I was out walking the dog the other day and I had some random music in my head. Luckily I had my trusty phone with me equipped with a shortcut to my Springpad app. I hummed out the sounds swirling through my mind for later use and just so happened to have a time to punch out some track composition. I quickly grabbed my Push, plugged in my Audio 2 DJ and loaded Live 9. Within minutes I had the basic melody down and was playing around with other instruments and melodies that could meld with what I already transcribed. When I came across the oriental sounding Chinese Zither in Reaktor Prism, I thought it was interesting fit and decided to go with it.

This short piece is strictly sounds that I recorded on the fly and then did some quick modifications (ie. quantization, loop configuration, etc.). Hopefully it gets a few likes and I can even get some feedback on it. I don';t seem to always have the time and/or motivation to get my musical ideas down in a DAW, but I always try to at least make mental notes through Springpad for later reference.

Give it a listen and tell me whatcha think! :-D